
Bed Sore Care at Palliative Setting

Bed sores or pressure ulcers are common in palliative settings when patients spend long periods of time in one position. These sores can be painful and difficult to treat, but with proper care, they can be prevented.

Prevention is Key

One of the most important steps in preventing bed sores is ensuring that patients are repositioned frequently.

By |2023-04-16T09:40:52+06:00April 16th, 2023|Blog, News|Comments Off on Bed Sore Care at Palliative Setting

Nutrition for Palliative Patient

Nutrition is an important aspect of care for palliative patients. It can help improve quality of life, reduce symptoms and side effects, and provide comfort during this difficult time. However, it can be challenging to provide adequate nutrition when dealing with serious illness. Here are some tips to help ensure that your loved one is

By |2023-04-06T01:08:26+06:00April 6th, 2023|Blog, News|Comments Off on Nutrition for Palliative Patient

Cancer Palliative Care at Home

Cancer palliative care is a type of care that aims to improve the quality of life of patients who have a serious or life-threatening disease, such as cancer. It can be given with or without curative care, depending on the patient’s goals and preferences. Palliative care can address the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs

By |2023-03-30T13:43:03+06:00March 30th, 2023|Blog, News|Comments Off on Cancer Palliative Care at Home

Long-Term Palliative Care Support by Hospice Bangladesh Hospital

When faced with a life-limiting illness, it can be challenging to navigate the healthcare system and find the support you need to manage your symptoms and maintain your quality of life. That’s where long term palliative care comes in. Palliative care is a type of medical care that focuses on improving the quality of life

By |2023-03-16T08:07:54+06:00March 16th, 2023|Blog, News|Comments Off on Long-Term Palliative Care Support by Hospice Bangladesh Hospital

অগ্রিম যত্ন পরিকল্পনার মূল্য সম্পর্কে তিনটি গল্প

অগ্রিম যত্ন পরিকল্পনার মূল্য এবং বর্তমান প্রমাণগুলি ইঙ্গিত দেয় যে অগ্রিম যত্ন পরিকল্পনা সহজাতভাবে অকার্যকর কিনা তা নিয়ে উপশমকারী যত্ন সম্প্রদায়ের মধ্যে একটি চলমান বিতর্ক রয়েছে। আমি এই বিতর্কে পক্ষ নেওয়ার জন্য এই প্রবন্ধটি লিখছি না—আমি বিশ্বাস করি উভয় পক্ষেরই যোগ্যতা রয়েছে। বরং, আমি আমার পরিবার এবং আমার নিজের জীবনে অগ্রিম যত্ন পরিকল্পনার

By |2021-12-12T07:14:35+06:00December 12th, 2021|News|Comments Off on অগ্রিম যত্ন পরিকল্পনার মূল্য সম্পর্কে তিনটি গল্প

Hospice Bangladesh trains palliative care nurses in remote areas

Hospice Bangladesh has teamed up with the Garo Baptist Convention- Christian Health Project (GBC-CHP) to provide palliative care training for health care professionals. The training took place in Joyramkura, a village on the north eastern border of Bangladesh.

The Garo Baptist Convention – Christian Health Project

The Garo Baptist Convention- Christian Health Project (GBC-CHP) is a project

By |2021-08-03T10:38:07+06:00January 21st, 2019|News|Comments Off on Hospice Bangladesh trains palliative care nurses in remote areas

Bangladeshi medical students reflect on ‘Before I Die’ board on World Hospice and Palliative Care Day 2018

“You matter because you are you, and you matter to the end of your life.” This year – 2018 – is the centenary of Dame Cicely Saunders, founder of the modern hospice movement. The theme of this year’s World Hospice Palliative Care Day recalls this famous, iconic and motivational quote. ‘Because I Matter’ indicates

By |2021-08-03T10:46:39+06:00October 30th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Bangladeshi medical students reflect on ‘Before I Die’ board on World Hospice and Palliative Care Day 2018

My mother was my world – a letter of gratitude to Hospice Bangladesh

I lost my mother two years ago to cancer. When she was diagnosed with stage four cancer and doctors read the verdict that it is at terminal stage, the first question I asked to Professor Dr Kamruzzaman was: Is there any hospice care in Bangladesh. He comforted me by informing about Hospice Bangladesh.

Finding Hospice

By |2021-08-03T10:44:08+06:00September 13th, 2018|News|Comments Off on My mother was my world – a letter of gratitude to Hospice Bangladesh

Palliative Care Nurses Awarded 2018

Ensuring a comfortable, dignified end

“A life well-lived deserves a good ending,” said Rifat Akhter, chairman of Aastha Hospice that has brought palliative care to the doorstep of underprivileged patients suffering from terminal diseases.

The one who can help a patient complete the last bit of journey on this earth with ease is

By |2021-08-03T10:50:04+06:00August 9th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Palliative Care Nurses Awarded 2018

Death is inevitable but it does not mean we should not celebrate life: a reflection of the Before I Die wall in Bangladesh

Hospice Bangladesh along with Aastha Foundation and Dhaka Medical College celebrated the day by introducing the global participatory public art project: ‘Before I Die’ on the Medical College campus, where people expressed their aspirations in life, something they want to fulfill before they die.

The wall is a movement that opens the conversation about death

By |2021-08-06T18:29:18+06:00October 24th, 2017|News|Comments Off on Death is inevitable but it does not mean we should not celebrate life: a reflection of the Before I Die wall in Bangladesh
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